What we do
Each year the Parish Council raises a precept on council tax payers to cover many of its expenses. The precept for the financial year 2024-2025 is £40,178, which represents an increase of £14.17 per year for a Band D property compared with 2023-2024 Additional funds may also be obtained from the income received by hiring out sporting facilities, fees for burials and by obtaining grants from other bodies. Parish Council activities include:
- looking after parish property such as litter bins, seats and notice boards
- maintaining Parish Council owned salt bins and street lights in the parish
- maintaining the playing fields including grass cutting and hiring out the pitches and pavilion.
- maintaining and developing the children’s play equipment at the playing fields
- managing the Riplingham Road and Little Weighton Road cemeteries
- maintaining the Jubilee Statue Trail
- liaising with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council regarding issues affecting the parish, including highways problems, flooding, emergency planning, grass cutting etc.
- liaising with Humberside Police on crime and anti-social behaviour issues, including inconsiderate parking and speeding
- commenting on planning applications within the parish. East Riding of Yorkshire Council make the final decision on planning applications but will take into account the views of the Parish Council.
- supporting local community activities such as the annual Christmas lights switch on and other events.